Row counter bracelets- fast to make fun to wear and use.
Cording- I used leather cording 1mm black, though it comes in a variety of colors
FireMountainGems has a large selection.
Beads 9 small and 10 larger
1 blk ponytail holder
Charms ( 2 or more )
jump rings
Crimp bead with loop
How to make:
I cut cording to fit wrist minus 1/2 inch.
Fold cording in half.
Place ring of toggle or part of clasp onto cording,slide to end.
Start placing small beads on the top strand of cording 9 total
Place larger beads on lower strand of cording, 10 total
Cut pony tail holder to half inch, fold in half, seal with crimp bead with loop end, place charm on loop end with jump ring.
Place at one end of the beads.
Put charm with jump ring at other end of bracelet.
With two ends of the cord, place in crimper with loop, seal. Add other part of closure toggle to the crimp bead lopp with jumpring.
How does it work?
9 small beads represent 1 row, slide small bead thru the elastic ring to other side. Knit 9 rows- 9 beads on other side, slide back and slide a large bead over- represents 10 rows. You can count up to 100 rows on this counter before starting over.

How many rows have I knitted??
Another way of making these is with beading wire- I use .015 diameter beading wire in bright and in gold.
All materials are the same except for the elastic separator you need thin elastic cord and make a daisy with them, will show u tomorrow what I am talking about- I am out of elastic cord so will get some and finish this bracelet.