Create polymer beads from canes or ropes and shape into beads, and more! Seeing how this clay takes to shaping, you can create various objects for beads- sheep, pie, watermelon, dogs, limits there!!
Polymer Clay comes from a variety of companies, different brands have different qualities. Experiement with them and find which works well for you.
Using polymer clay there are a few simple safety guidelines:
1) small animals, birds especially should be removed from the area where the fumes from baking the polymer clay could affect them.
2) do not use polymer clay on any item intended for human consumption. Go to the dollar store for supplies such as rolling pins, claytools ( check out the playdough section too!), baking sheets, skewers and more.
3) Color can migrate onto hands and items, it does wash off.
4) Do not walk away from baking clay, I have had a few students do so and set their toaster oven on fire....use toaster oven, oven but not a microwave. If you burn the clay, be sure to open the windows- get air circulating.
Basic Polymer Beads I
Polymer Clay in 2 -3 colors
Xacto Blade knife or straight edge
Basic PC Supplies & Tools:
Cutting board or work surface
Baking Sheet
Skewers or Size 00-0 (US) Metal Needles for holes
Clay will not harden in air, though I keep mine on disposable food trays in plastic to keep it clean.
Knead by hand the three clays. Break up into small sections to knead, the warmth of your hands will get the clay pliable.
Roll into strands.
Twist the strands together.
This is a basic round cane.
1) You could roll out a thin piece of clay and wrap that cane with the thin piece creating a bead.
2) Cut the basic cane and shape the discs into beads.
3) Cut slightly twisted canes into beads for a shaped bead.
4) Roll the cane beads into balls or flatten and cut into shapes with a small aspic cutter- fondant cutter - check the Wilton Cake Decorating or Polymer Clay section in your craft stores for cutters.
5) Make hole and string onto wire or metal needles for baking.
6) Use a disposable pan to raise the strung beads off baking surface while baking.
7) Follow baking directions.
8) Finish with sanding rough areas if need be- you can use a nai shaper for that.
9) Finish if desired with polymer clay surface finisher
Then you can make your markers!!